In Assessing Families, What Question(S) Might a Structural-strategic Therapist Ask?


An approach that operates on the premise that a predictable pattern of interpersonal relationships connects the functioning of family members across generations.

multigenerational family therapy

A basic supposition within the family system is.

A. an individual's problematic behavior but grows out of the interaction with the larger community.

B. an individual'due south problematic behavior grows out of the interactional unit of the family as well as the larger customs and societal systems

C. an individual's problematic behavior grows out of the interactional unit of the family and not societal systems.

D. an individual's problematic beliefs only grows out of the interactional unit of the family

A basic assumption within the family arrangement is.

A. an private'southward problematic behavior only grows out of the interaction with the larger community.

B. an individual's problematic beliefs grows out of the interactional unit of the family as well as the larger customs and societal systems

C. an individual's problematic behavior grows out of the interactional unit of the family and not societal systems.

D. an individual's problematic beliefs only grows out of the interactional unit of the family unit

The implicit agreements that prescribe the rights, duties, and range of advisable behaviors within the family.

The emergence of feminist and postmodern models in therapy has moved the field of family unit therapy toward more than egalitarian, collaborative, cooperative, co-constructing relationships

 a. True

 b. False

The emergence of feminist and postmodern models in therapy has moved the field of family therapy toward more than egalitarian, collaborative, cooperative, co-constructing relationships

a. True

 b. Faux

A multilayered approach to family therapy is all-time supported by a collaborative therapist–client relationship in which mutual respect, caring, empathy, and a 18-carat interest in others is primary.

 a. True

 b. False

A multilayered approach to family therapy is best supported past a collaborative therapist–client relationship in which mutual respect, caring, empathy, and a genuine interest in others is primary.

 a. True

 b. False

How has the family systems arroyo ocntributed to modern psychology?

  • In nigh systematic approaches, neither the individual nor the family is blamed for a particular dysfunction
  • An advantage to this arroyo is that an private is not scapegoated as the "bad person" in the family, although the family may have scapegoated one of the family members. This private may be the reason that the family enter therapy
  • The family unit is empowered through the procedure of identifying and expliring internal, developmental and purposeful interactional patterns


human validation process model

An experiential and humanistic approach adult by Virginia Satir, which viewed techniques equally being secondary to the human relationship a therapist develops with the family.


structural-strategic approaches

By the late 1970s, these complimentary approaches were the most used models in family systems therapy. Interventions generated in these models became synonymous with a systems approach; they included joining, boundary setting, unbalancing, reframing, ordeals, paradoxical interventions, and enactments.


The serial of events that marks an individual'due south life inside a family unit, from separation from ane'due south parents to marriage to growing old and dying.

family life cycle

What are the differences betwixt an individual therapist and a systematic therapist?


multilayered process of family unit therapy

This perspective serves as a basic structure for assessment both of the family members and the arrangement.


Bowen's concept of psychological separation of intellect and emotions and of independence of the cocky from others. The greater one's differentiation, the amend one'south ability to keep from beingness drawn into dysfunctional patterns with other family members.

differentiation of cocky

What are the handling goals of Multigenerational family therapy?

  • To change the individuals within the context of the system
  • To end generation-to-generation transmission of problems by resolving difficult emotional attachments
  • To lessen feet and salve symptoms
  • To incrase the private member's level of differentiation or self-identity

The series of events that marks an individual'southward life inside a family, from separation from one's parents to union to growing old and dying.


The original nuclear family unit into which one was born or adopted.

family of origin


By the belatedly 1970s, these complimentary approaches were the most used models in family systems therapy. Interventions generated in these models became synonymous with a systems approach; they included joining, purlieus setting, unbalancing, reframing, ordeals, paradoxical interventions, and enactments.

structural-strategic approaches

__________ is based on the subjective descriptions that family unit members use to define themselves and the interactions that occur in everyday life.

A. Therapeutic techniques

B. Interventions

C. Diagnosis

D. Assessment

__________ is based on the subjective descriptions that family members use to ascertain themselves and the interactions that occur in everyday life.

A. Therapeutic techniques

B. Interventions

C. Diagnosis

D. Cess

By the late 1970s, the nigh used models in family unit systems therapy

A. Adlerian family approaches

B. structural family unit therapy.

C. strategic therapy

D. structural-strategic approaches

By the belatedly 1970s, the virtually used models in family unit systems therapy

A. Adlerian family approaches

B. structural family unit therapy.

C. strategic therapy

D. structural-strategic approaches

A design of interaction consisting of detouring conflict between two people by involving a 3rd person.

Which model emphasizes communication and emotional experiencing?

A. Multigenerational family therapy

B. Homo validation process model

C. structural-strategic therapy

D. Structural family unit therapy

Which model emphasizes communication and emotional experiencing?

A. Multigenerational family therapy

B. Human validation process model

C. structural-strategic therapy

D. Structural family therapy

What are the goals of Satir'due south Human being Validation Process Model?

  • Open communication
  • Reduce blaming
  • Raise self-esteem
  • Encourage growth
  • Transform extreme rules into useful and performance rules


These models seek to reduce or eliminate the power and impact of the family unit therapist. They include solution-focused and solution-oriented therapies likewise as narrative therapy.

Postmodern approaches to family therapy

__________ is/are determined by the practitioner's orientation or by a collaborative process betwixt family and therapist.

A. Interventions

B. Treatment

C. Specific goals

D. Techniques

__________ is/are determined by the practitioner's orientation or by a collaborative procedure betwixt family unit and therapist.

A. Interventions

B. Treatment

C. Specific goals

D. Techniques

Inside the field of family therapy, ________________has been the most influential leader in the development of both gender and cultural perspectives and frameworks in family practice.

A. Monica McGoldrick

B. Michele Weiner-Davis

C. John Gottman

D. Jay Haley

Within the field of family unit therapy, ________________has been the well-nigh influential leader in the development of both gender and cultural perspectives and frameworks in family practise.

A. Monica McGoldrick

B. Michele Weiner-Davis

C. John Gottman

D. Jay Haley

The systemic therapist may do all of the following except.

A. explore the organisation for family process and rules, mayhap using a genogram.

B. focus on the family relationships inside which the continuation of the client'south problem "makes sense."

C. focus on the cause, purposes, and cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes involved in the client's problems.

D. invite family members into therapy with the client.

The systemic therapist may do all of the following except.

A. explore the organisation for family procedure and rules, perhaps using a genogram.

B. focus on the family unit relationships within which the continuation of the client's trouble "makes sense."

C. focus on the crusade, purposes, and cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes involved in the client's problems.

D. invite family members into therapy with the client.


A three-person organization; the smallest stable emotional unit of human relations.


In terms of assessment, it is useful to ask most family perspectives on issues inherent in each of the layers.

 a. True

 b. False

In terms of assessment, it is useful to inquire most family perspectives on issues inherent in each of the layers.

 a. True

 b. Simulated


differentiation of self

Bowen'southward concept of psychological separation of intellect and emotions and of independence of the self from others. The greater 1's differentiation, the amend one's ability to keep from being drawn into dysfunctional patterns with other family members.


conjoint family unit therapy

An early man validation procedure model adult past Virginia Satir that emphasizes communication and emotional experiencing.

Understanding family process is almost always facilitated by "how" questions

 a. Truthful

 b. False

Understanding family process is almost always facilitated past "how" questions

 a. True

 b. Fake

What are the goals Strategic Family Therapy?

  • Resolve presenting problems by focusing on behavioural sequences
  • Get people to acquit differently
  • Shift the family organisation then that the presenting proble is no longer functional
  • Move the family toward the appropriate stage of family unit development


In structural family therapy, an emotional barrier that protects individuals within a arrangement.


A family systems perspective holds that individuals are best understood through assessing the interactions betwixt and amongst family members.

 a. True

 b. False

A family systems perspective holds that individuals are best understood through assessing the interactions between and among family members.

 a. True

 b. Simulated


The functional arrangement of a family, which determines interactional patterns among members.

family structure

The trend today is toward reliance on a single theory of family therapy rather than using an integrative approach.

 a. Truthful

 b. Faux

The trend today is toward reliance on a unmarried theory of family therapy rather than using an integrative arroyo.

 a. True

 b. Simulated


An early on human validation procedure model developed by Virginia Satir that emphasizes advice and emotional experiencing.

conjoint family therapy

To __________ is to form a set of ideas about people, systems, and situations that focus pregnant in a useful fashion.

A. hypothesize

B. exist super reasonable.

C. placate

D. be irrelevant

To __________ is to form a gear up of ideas most people, systems, and situations that focus meaning in a useful way.

A. hypothesize

B. be super reasonable.

C. placate

D. be irrelevant


Relabeling a family's clarification of behavior by putting it into a new and more positive perspective.


A family therapist poses the following question: "Who seems to exist most upset when mom comes home late from work?" She is asking _________________ question.

A. a circular or relational

B. an intrusive

C. a thought-provoking

D. an exception

A family therapist poses the following question: "Who seems to be nigh upset when mom comes habitation late from work?" She is asking _________________ question.

A. a round or relational

B. an intrusive

C. a thought-provoking

D. an exception

The family therapist'due south skill in communicating understanding and empathy through active listening lays the foundation for an effective working relationship.

 a. True

 b. False

The family therapist's skill in communicating understanding and empathy through active listening lays the foundation for an constructive working relationship.

 a. True

 b. False

All change in human systems starts with understanding and accepting things only every bit they are.

 a. True

 b. Simulated

All change in homo systems starts with understanding and accepting things merely as they are.

 a. True

 b. False

What are the key strategies of Virginia Satir's Homo Validation Process Model?

  • Sculpting -family members pattern their human relationship and dynamics to i another using posture, facila and other gestures to create distance or closeness to one another
  • Nurturing triads -establishing trust and gaining acceptance of the family
  • Family unit mapping (family unit of origin) and Family-Life chronologies
  • New communication patterns and healthier ways of coping
  • Reframing -the problem behaviours are redefined

What are the goals Experiential Family Therapy?

  • Facilitate individual autonomy and a sense of belonging in the family
  • Help individuals achieve more intimacy past incrasing their awareness anf their experiencing
  • Encourage members to be themselves by freely expressing what theu are thinking and feeling
  • Support sponteneity, inventiveness, the ability to play and the willingness to be "crazy"


multigenerational family therapy

An approach that operates on the premise that a anticipated blueprint of interpersonal relationships connects the functioning of family members across generations.

Which of the following is non a key general motility of the multilayered approach to family systems therapy?

A. forming a relationship

B. conducting empirical research to evaluate outcomes

C. conducting an assessment

D. hypothesizing and sharing significant

Which of the following is not a key full general movement of the multilayered approach to family systems therapy?

A. forming a relationship

B. conducting empirical research to evaluate outcomes

C. conducting an cess

D. hypothesizing and sharing meaning

In assessing families, what question(s) might a structural-strategic therapist ask?

A. "Who was aligned with whom, and what did they use that alignment to reach?"

B. "What rules and boundaries were set around each subsystem?"

C. "What were the routines that made upward your neighborhood's lifestyle, and what rules were created?"

D. "What were common interactional sequences in your family?"

In assessing families, what question(s) might a structural-strategic therapist ask?

A. "Who was aligned with whom, and what did they utilize that alignment to achieve?"

B. "What rules and boundaries were set around each subsystem?"

C. "What were the routines that made up your neighborhood's lifestyle, and what rules were created?"

D. "What were common interactional sequences in your family?"

Relabeling a family'due south description of behavior by putting it into a new and more positive perspective.

How does family unit therapy view symptoms?

Symptoms are viewed as an expression of a dysfunction inside a family unit


An experiential and humanistic arroyo developed by Virginia Satir, which viewed techniques every bit existence secondary to the relationship a therapist develops with the family.

human validation process model


A schematic diagram of the family organisation, usually including at least iii generations; employed past many family therapists to identify recurring behavior patterns within the family unit.



In structural family therapy, all-around to a family'south arrangement to help the members change dysfunctional patterns.


The functional organisation of a family unit, which determines interactional patterns among members.

Ane of the strengths of the systemic perspective in working from a multicultural framework is

A. that all cultural groups place minimal value on extended family

B. that many ethnic and cultural groups identify great value on the extended family

C. that all ethnic groups place minimal value on extended family

D. that ethnic and cultural groups exercise not place any value on the extended family

1 of the strengths of the systemic perspective in working from a multicultural framework is

A. that all cultural groups identify minimal value on extended family unit

B. that many indigenous and cultural groups place great value on the extended family

C. that all ethnic groups place minimal value on extended family unit

D. that indigenous and cultural groups do not place whatever value on the extended family

In structural family therapy, an intervention consisting of a family unit playing out its relationship patterns during a therapy session so that the therapist tin can observe and so change transactions that make upwardly the family structure.

Conducting an assessment is one of the phases of the mutilayered perspective in family therapy.

 a. True

 b. Imitation

Conducting an assessment is one of the phases of the mutilayered perspective in family therapy.

 a. True

 b. False

Which of the following roles and functions would exist virtually singular for a structural family unit therapist?

A. mapping the underlying structure of a family

B. intervening in ways designed to transform an ineffective structure of a family

C. giving vocalization to the therapist's own impulses and fantasies

D. joining the family in a position of leadership

Which of the post-obit roles and functions would be most singular for a structural family therapist?

A. mapping the underlying construction of a family

B. intervening in means designed to transform an ineffective structure of a family unit

C. giving voice to the therapist'south ain impulses and fantasies

D. joining the family unit in a position of leadership


A family member who carries the symptom for a family and who is identified past the family as the person with the problem. In genograms this person is the index person.

identified patient

The original nuclear family into which 1 was born or adopted.

The central principle agreed upon past family therapy practitioners, regardless of their approach, is

A. that the client is not connected to living systems

B. that the customer is continued to living systems.

C. that the customer must understand differences in the living organization in order to create healthy relationships.

D. that the customer is at fault for the problems.

The key principle agreed upon by family therapy practitioners, regardless of their approach, is

A. that the client is not connected to living systems

B. that the client is connected to living systems.

C. that the client must understand differences in the living organization in order to create healthy relationships.

D. that the customer is at fault for the problems.

In structural family therapy, all-around to a family unit's system to help the members change dysfunctional patterns.


This perspective serves as a bones structure for assessment both of the family members and the system.

multilayered process of family therapy

In structural family therapy, an emotional barrier that protects individuals within a system.


identified patient

A family unit member who carries the symptom for a family unit and who is identified by the family as the person with the trouble. In genograms this person is the index person.


In structural family therapy, an intervention consisting of a family playing out its relationship patterns during a therapy session then that the therapist can detect and so modify transactions that make up the family construction.


A schematic diagram of the family unit system, ordinarily including at least iii generations; employed by many family therapists to place recurring beliefs patterns within the family.

The focus of family unit therapy includes all of the following except?

A. Family therapy tends to exist solution-focused.

B. Almost of the family unit therapies tend to be brief.

C. The focus is on here-and-at present interactions in the family system.

D. Family unit therapy is not generally action-oriented.

The focus of family unit therapy includes all of the following except?

A. Family therapy tends to exist solution-focused.

B. Well-nigh of the family therapies tend to be cursory.

C. The focus is on here-and-now interactions in the family system.

D. Family therapy is not mostly action-oriented.

What are the goals Structural Family unit Therapy?

  • Reduce symptoms of dysfunction and bring about structural change by:
    • Modifying the family's transactional rules
    • Developing more appropriate boundaries
    • Creating an effective hierarchical structure
    • The goal of SFT is to improve communications and interactions amidst family unit members and to highlight appropriate boundaries to crate a healthier family structure
    • Office play in session


A blueprint of interaction consisting of detouring conflict betwixt two people by involving a tertiary person.


What are the treatment goals of Adelerian Family therapy?

  • Assessment of the family involves family members describing daily interactions and their roles in the family constellation
  • Assessment aims to unlock behavioural and interactional patterns
  • Engage parents in a learning feel and a collaborative assessment
  • Emphasis on the family's motivational patterns
  • Main aim is to initiate a reorientation of the family

A three-person organization; the smallest stable emotional unit of measurement of human relations.


Postmodern approaches to family therapy

These models seek to reduce or eliminate the power and bear upon of the family therapist. They include solution-focused and solution-oriented therapies every bit well every bit narrative therapy.


The implicit agreements that prescribe the rights, duties, and range of appropriate behaviors within the family unit.

family rules

What are the limitations of the Family unit Systems arroyo?

  • An overemphasis on the system may result in the unique characteristics of private family members being overlooked. The individual may need personal therapy also every bit benefit from family unit therapy
  • Concern with the well-being and function of the system may overshadow the therapist'south view of the needs and performance of individuals in the system
  • Practioners must not assume that Western models of family are universal and must be culturally competent

Experiential family therapy relies on the expert use of directives aimed at changing dysfunctional patterns.

 a. Truthful

 b. False

Experiential family therapy relies on the skilful utilize of directives aimed at irresolute dysfunctional patterns.

 a. True

 b. Faux

What are the strengths of Family Therapy from a diversity perspective?

  • Many ethnic and cultural groups place great value on their extended family
  • Monical McGoldrick has been the most influential leader in the evolution of gender and cultural perspectives and frameworks in family unit practice
  • Family therapists explore the private culture of the family, the larger cultures to which the family members belong, and the host culture that dominates the family unit's life

What does family therapy believe nigh problematic behaviours?

Serve a purpose for the family

Are unintentionally maintained by family processes

Are a part of the family's inability to operate productively

Are symptomatic patterns handed down beyond generations

What are the limitations of Family unit Therapy from a diverseness perspective?

  • The process of differentiation occurs in almost cultures, but takes on a unlike shape due to cultural norms
  • A possible shortcoming of the do of family unit therapy involves practitioners who assume Western models of family are universal
  • Some family therapists focus primarily on the nuclear family, which is based on Western notions, and this could exist a shortcoming in working with clients in extended families


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